A Youth Sport Trust membership webinar exploring how the Power of a Well School can improve the wellbeing of pupils and help them to reach their potential. It focuses on the physical, social and emotional wellbeing outcomes that can be derived from placing PE, sport and physical activity at the heart of the school, developing a well ethos and linking PE into a well curriculum that engenders personal development and improved school outcomes, particularly for those pupils in greatest need.
What’s included?
With the school environment being the first place, many young people experience PE, sport and play it is imperative that the experience provided is inspiring, accessible and meaningful to all, not the minority, and therefore needs careful consideration in both design and delivery.
The creation of the digital Power of Enrichment resources highlights some exceptional stories of practitioners and senior leaders placing the wellbeing and wider achievements of young people at the heart of the decisions that they make, and in doing so are able to celebrate the incredible achievements and progress of a wide range of students. Equally there are examples of outdated, fixtures driven provision that use a significant amount of precious time and money on activities that provide narrow outcomes for a small number of pupils.
We believe there is an opportunity to shine a light on the positive impact of delivering an insight-led enrichment programme on the wellbeing and engagement of pupils and staff.
This resource and supporting posters will:
Equip you with evidence of impact
Empower you to ask some reflective questions of yourself and colleagues on why activities are, or are not included, reviewing the percentage of staff time allocated and the balance of provision
Support you to identify tools to evidence the impact or reach of any enrichment interventions to help inform future decisions.
Share what needs to be considered when designing and developing enrichment opportunities.
To get started:
Read the Power of Enrichment booklet.
Download the Power of Enrichment posters and display them in appropriate positions around the school: Why School Sport poster, School sport opportunities poster - secondary.
Review the Power of Enrichment headteacher videos. (These short case study videos showcase schools that have tried something new and demonstrated a positive impact on a cohort of pupils, they will be added each term)
Reflect on the questions included within the booklet.
Discuss with colleagues the importance of what they are doing, why they are doing it and help them to advocate within the school
Evaluate how engaging and broad your current offer is.
Trial a different approach with one year group.
Contact [email protected] if you would like to share the ‘Power of Enrichment’ your offer has had.