If children don’t move, inflammation increases and the chances of acute disease increases… starting with the hardening of the arteries which is speeding up the aging process in children as young as six years-old. We need to create a new norm for children where sitting is limited and movement is encouraged at school and at home to improve their quality of adult life and create healthy happy active learners. We know that children’s long-term involvement in physical activities that have variety, fun and different intensities is better for creating active habits and improving cognition and health.
To create an active school culture we have to integrate movement into the school day and not just as a bolt-on physical activity. This will mean considering and ‘nudging’ children along this continuum from standing up (sitting less) and increasing their activity levels throughout the day (moving more). Active 30:30 Tri is a resource providing practical ways in which to plan 15, 10 and 5 minutes of physical activity of different intensities throughout the school day. Additional copies of the poster can also be downloaded from this page. If you would like a hard copy of this resource then please contact [email protected] and subject to availability we may be able to send one out to you.