How to use the toolkit
Tasks and tools can be lifted straight from the toolkit or adapted to embed within organisational staff training and development workshops, meetings, structures and resources.
If you do this, please just ensure that the School Sport and Activity Sector Partnership and the Physical Literacy Action Group is acknowledged and referenced.
For more information on the different Action Groups and their role within the partnership, please click here.
The aims of the toolkit
Aligned to the objectives of the Positive Experiences Collective, the aims of the toolkit are:

Building knowledge and understanding

Increasing advocates for physical literacy informed progress

Collaboration around systemic and/or thematic challenges

Tracking examples of good practice and celebrating progress
The toolkit contains the following chapters designed to build momentum accordingly:
- Ignite - Why it matters?
Connect our networks with their own relationship with movement and physical activity to better understand what we mean by the term, considering what it means personally and professionally.
- United - What can we do differently, together?
Develop consistency of understanding which impacts consistency of policy and practice to ensure positive movement experiences for all.
- Excite - How to build momentum, create ripples
Empower and elevate examples of impact, creating more advocates.
The first phase of the toolkit will focus on 'Ignite'. The toolkit will continue to evolve as we seek ongoing insights, learning and feedback from the sector, with the aim to build a movement from engagement through to enactment and impact. This will translate into new content across the ignite, unite and excite chapters. If you have any feedback on the toolkit, you can share it with us by completing the following short survey.
You can download the toolkit here. You can download either the:
PowerPoint version - slides and notes that can be used as they are or edited
PDF version - pre-set slides that can be used as they are
Getting the most from the toolkit
Access videos from sector stakeholders sharing their insights on how the toolkit tasks and activities are helping their organisations and workforce to engage with the concept and deliver through a physical literacy lens.
How we've ignited and connected our organisation and networks - led by Hayley Lever (CEO) and Jess Simons (Active Children Lead) from Greater Manchester Moving
A perspective on usefulness of the ignite tasks - led by Nigel Green, Chair of the International Physical Literacy Association
Educating the coaching workforce on all things physical literacy - led by Ian Gregory, Schools Programme Manager at Chance to Shine
How physical literacy is being embraced and ignited across a multi-academy trust - led by James Mooney, Senior Curriculum Leader for PESSPA at Cabot Learning Federation
How physical literacy is being embraced and ignited across an NGB - led by Karen Roberts, Development Director at British Judo