Leadership Framework

The Youth Sport Trust believes every young person should be supported through PE, sport and play to develop their personal leadership capabilities. The Leadership Framework aims to help practitioners to develop their leadership offer helping all young people reach their potential.

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Through a range of leadership experiences, young people can acquire skills and learn behaviours which not only develop them as individuals but as drivers of change for others.

The leadership framework has been designed to:

  • Help practitioners and young people themselves to reflect on the skills and behaviours required when they are involved in different leadership settings, providing a check and challenge to ensure that they are supported with training to succeed and receive positive experiences of leadership activity
  • Help advocate the value and wider impact that leadership development through PE, sport and play can have on every young person
  • Support schools and organisations to reflect on any gaps they have in either training or deployment opportunities that may prevent young people from reaching their potential.

This framework recognises that leadership development should be available to all young people to help them reach their potential. While the journey is not linear, the ambition is that through PE, sport and play every young person has the opportunity and support to learn to lead and practice or deploy their leadership.