Inclusion Lead School Newsletter

March 2023


YST Conference

Thank you to all who were able to make it to our Conference - we hope you had a great time and enjoyed seeing each other during the lead school session or at any of the amazing workshops during the day. As promised, in communications before and after the event, you can claim for your accommodation, your dinner, or conference place. Please complete the expense claim form and send your completed form to Rebecca Tyers, who will process your claim. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact one of the team.

FA SEND Shooting Stars Training Dates

Please register for the training related to the FA Shooting Stars SEND clubs, which is part of your core inclusion role this year.

To register, please follow the relevant link:

If you have any issues with registering for the event, please contact Rebecca.

Inclusive Youth Leadership

As part of the core offer, all Lead Inclusion schools should be doing their inclusive youth leadership events which need to be done before the Easter break. We ask schools to please send in their dates for the event even if they have already happened. If there is anything you need support with or have any questions, please contact Roshni Mistry.


YST Reporting

Thank you to all who took the time to complete the reporting window. Here are some of the highlights from the academic year so far:

  • 528 CPD / training events aiming to improve inclusive practice have been delivered
  • 1,576 schools have engaged with these training events
  • 4,020 school staff (excluding SGOs) have been trained through CPD events
  • 106 Inclusive Youth Leadership events for young people have been delivered
  • 407 schools have engaged with inclusive youth leadership events
  • 1,829 young people have been trained as leaders as part of the inclusive youth leadership events with 1,056 being young people with additional support needs.
  • 650 School Games Organisers have been supported
  • 159 Barclays Girls Football School Partnership meetings have been attended.

Lead Inclusion School Payments

All school payments for this academic year have now been released, with the second instalments being with schools at the end of February. If you have any queries or would like a breakdown, please contact Rebecca.

Partner School Survey

Here is a reminder of the partner survey link for you to send on to the partners (schools, SGOs, local organisations, etc) you have worked with this academic year for them to tell us what they think of the project, any effects it has had, or any suggestions for future changes.

This link will be live for the rest of this year, so please send it on to contacts after you have advised them / provided training / run an event with them, etc. It’s better to leave a little time so that we can see what effects your input has had.

Minister Nick Gibb acknowledges Lead Inclusion Schools and Inclusion 2024

We just wanted to bring to your attention some great profiling and recognition of the great work that is happening within Inclusion 2024 and the Lead Inclusion School network at the YST Conference. For those of you who were not at the conference, during the opening address Minister Nick Gibb presented a video message in which there was strong presence and mention of Inclusion 2024. 

We are sure this was intentional given the SEND improvement plan announcement on Thursday. Inclusion 2024 is very well recognised across the DfE and that is down to the sheer passion, hard work, and dedication of all of you as Lead Inclusion Schools in providing opportunities for young people with SEND across the country. Please take a moment to be incredibly proud of the role you and the entire network play in this work.


Special Olympics GB Motor Activity Training Programme (MATP) Workshop

Three introductory MATP workshops dates are coming up in March, please book your place(s) on the workshops. They continue to be free and there is no limit on places.

The Special Olympics Motor Activity Training Programme (MATP) is a unique programme specifically designed for athletes of all ages with Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilities (PMLD), Complex Disabilities and/or Complex Needs (including complex autism).

MATP provides genuine opportunities for training and competition for individuals with PMLD and complex needs. Opportunities are realistic and tailored to the individual. It focuses on the abilities and enables athletes to work and showcase motor skills and sporting achievements that are relevant to them.

Please contact [email protected] with questions or for more information.

Yorkshire Ability Triathlon – Sunday 21 May 2023 (Leeds Beckett University)

This is an event for children aged 8-17 years and will be in a festival format. It's all about raising the profile of triathlon, fun and participation. Previously events like this have been run in Newcastle and they have been fantastic events. Now they need participants and volunteers for this event.

As leads in the inclusion network we have been asked to forward this onto your contacts or get involved yourself. Any support with participants and volunteers would be greatly appreciated.

Bedworth Disabled Swimming Club

A sprint gala for all disability groups and ages 8-90 years-old will take place on Saturday 23 September 2023 at Bedworth Leisure Centre.

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