Save the date: 20 September – Networking Event
To start the academic year, we would love to bring the network together for a face-to-face event on the 20 September. We are finalising plans but hope this will take place at a venue in the Midlands.
The registration details and agenda will come at the start of the next academic year. We hope to see as many of you as possible in September so we can start the academic year with a bang!
June Networking
Thank you to those that were able to join us on 28 June for our virtual networking event. It was great to see some of you, hear from you and share the highlights of the year. For those that were unable to make it, you can now watch the session, and the slides from the session can be downloaded.
Lead Inclusion School Project Reporting Deadline: 14 July
As the academic year comes to a close, we want to ensure we capture the amazing work you have done this year; please can you complete all of your project reporting by 14 July. If you have any issues or are unsure of your reporting link, please contact Rebecca Tyers.
Take a look at this infographic to see some highlights from the Inclusion 2024 project so far.
Activity Alliance: Annual Disability and Activity Survey 2022-2023
The national charity and leading voice for disabled people in sport and activity, Activity Alliance, released their latest Annual Disability and Activity Survey 2022-2023. It shows we are not seeing enough positive trends in disabled people’s perceptions and experiences of being active. Greater effort is needed to tackle inequalities that affect disabled people, especially to reduce loneliness and the impact of the rising cost of living.
School Recruitment Window
The school recruitment window for all schools to sign up to remain an inclusion lead school and to apply for the innovation project will be opening at the start of the next academic year in September. Dates will be confirmed soon.
Inclusive Health Check & Active School Planner
Our DCs Karen Erikson and Jon White delivered a virtual session on the Inclusive Health Check, along with Chris Story delivering on Active School Planner to SGOs in north England. This is a great example of how you can reach audiences far and wide to help spread the word of inclusion.
Well School Podcast: S5, E9 - Power of Inclusive Movement
Listen to our very own Jill from Abbey School, the Lead Inclusion school in Rotherham. She talks about how to make a school a fully inclusive environment with the right amount of belief, belonging, and butterflies.
Lead Inclusion School Cornwall
Emma Moore in Cornwall has created an excellent flyer that she has shared in her county on the role of a lead inclusion school, what they can support with, some resources and how to get started to become more inclusive.
Special Olympics World Games
Eleven Clare Mount Specialist Sports College pupils and three teachers were among the 22,000 volunteers supporting the Special Olympics World Games in Berlin in June 2023, alongside German partner school Schule Am Pappelhof. Take a look at these photos to get a feel for the games.
The students helped deliver some of the Special Olympics Deutschland Alle Machen Mit activities. You can also read Chris’ blog on his reflections from attending the Special Olympic World Games.
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