Welcome to your Lead Health & Wellbeing School newsletter for March. We are approaching the end of the Sport England projects that we have been delivering with you. This newsletter will cover the important information relating to final sessions, data capture and evidence of what works to take forward into our new YST strategy due to launch in May. While we appreciate the continued stretch on staff time and capacity, and the different places young people are at, we hope you will be able to find the time to give the Boys Move CPD and Active in Mind CPD some of your time and help shape the future of these areas of work. Thank you for everything you do to support the health and wellbeing of your pupils!
Boys Move CPD
We are entering the final sessions for the four groups throughout March, so there are some things we would like to remind you of:
- These sessions are designed for you to share your projects, whether you have implemented them or not. Please come prepared to share your project outline based on the intent, implementation, impact model, and if you are a Development Coach make sure you attend and offer any advice and support for colleagues sharing their examples.
- Please make sure you are capturing any data through the reporting window which opens next week. You will also be asked to provide a summary of your project, so we have a record of the approaches you have taken.
- Please make sure you complete the post-project surveys for you and the young people involved.
The links have been provided again for your reference below:
- Baseline Survey for young people
- Follow up Survey for young people
- Follow up survey for those attending the CPD
Active in Mind CPD
We are in the final few weeks of the delivery period and we would appreciate a few updates/actions from you:
- Confirm with [email protected] the date/s of your AiM CPD delivery for your five partner schools. Complete by Wednesday 09 March 2022. When we receive this, it will trigger your first £500 payment.
- Ensure your five (or more) schools complete the pre- and post-training surveys (complete by Thursday 31 March).
- As a lead school whoever attended the training with Rachael Makenzie or watched the briefing please complete the below survey (complete by Friday 11 March 2022).
A number of you are still to deliver your AiM CPD to your five partner schools. As a reminder, you can see the top tips below and download the recording of the CPD run through. You can also access the updated slide deck to use when training your five partner schools.
Top Tips:
- Take the time to digest the content before delivery, and simplify further or change any language you are not comfortable with. We are not asking you to be experts here.
- Use existing sessions/conferences/INSET or virtual opportunities to engage and deliver to your five schools.
- Send a link to the Active in Mind webpage ahead of delivery so colleagues can digest it beforehand.
- Maybe tag team with a colleague so you spit the delivery between you.
- Create opportunities for break-out discussions to check for understanding before moving on.
- Resources to leave with the schools after the training can be found here in the Targeted Resources – for nurture groups section.
Youth Sport Trust Impact Report
Last week, we shared the latest YST Impact Report. Not only is this a useful read for all of you to understand the breadth of work we do at YST, but also an opportunity for you to celebrate where you have made a contribution to the lives of children and young people across the UK, during a global pandemic. Please take the time to reflect on your amazing work, even if it isn’t in the report. Your support and contribution to the health and wellbeing of your pupils has been astonishing!
Read the full report here.
Lead School Networking Event
We have provisionally held the Wednesday 15 June 2022 for our annual summer networking event. We will be holding the event virtually again for this year. We have held the whole day, and would invite you to do the same, but we normally have a national update session around lunchtime and further networking and sharing practice sessions throughout the afternoon. If you could pencil that in diaries now that would be appreciated, and this is where we will be sharing our future relationships with you and Sport England moving forwards.
eSports - twiddling thumbs or genuine sport? - BBC 5Live
With revenues of $1 billion and a global audience approaching half a billion, eSports is one of the fastest-growing sectors in the media and entertainment industries. But is it right to put competitive video gaming on an equal footing with more traditional sports? The debate panel includes reference to Will’s previous interview and our Class of 2035 research.
Girls 'hiding their mental health issues' from teachers – TES
Exclusive: The impact of the pandemic on students' mental health has been revealed by a major new study.
Happiness in young people at its lowest in 13 years, Prince’s Trust warns – Independent
A survey of 2,106 16-25 year-olds, commissioned by the charity, revealed that almost a quarter (23 percent) of young people in the UK believe they will never recover from the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Mental health improved for 1 in 3 children during Covid-19 lockdown – Independent
Spending more time with family, getting more sleep and exercise, and avoiding bullying are among the reasons for improved wellbeing.
How to tackle the decline in children's play skills – TES
Sophisticated play is crucial for children's later development and attainment, but the pandemic has resulted in many deferring to low-level play, warns Helen Pinnington. Here, she sets out how EYFS teachers could help resolve the issue.
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