All About Autism E-Learning

Developed by the Youth Sport Trust, and endorsed by the National Autistic Society, All About Autism is a digital and practical toolkit that builds upon knowledge of autism spectrum conditions (ASC) and some of the key considerations for making PE and sport inclusive to all.

Free Resource


All About Autism is free for schools across England to access throughout 2020-21. It highlights:

  • Language and communication:

How do professionals use pupils’ names to gain attention? The use of visual prompts can be a good way to support instruction for pupils with ASC in sport, as in other areas of school life. Teachers should also consider how they provide feedback on performance and reassurance to pupils.

  • Social interaction:

Many young people, particularly girls with ASC, find group or teamwork in sport to be challenging, so it’s important to evaluate friendships and group pupils accordingly. Specific instruction and practice around turn taking can also help.

  • Sensory processing

People with autism generally experience difficulties with taking in and regulating sensory stimuli that others may find normal. Sensory overload can be a very big issue, so it’s important to consider how pupils with autism will respond to the often very noisy environment of a sports hall, as well as all the smells, bodily contact and rapidly changing visual information they have to deal with.

We also have this guide to support practitioners develop an understanding of autism, including related social and communication difficulties, within the context of PE and sport.