
The Youth Sport Trust is working to create a future where every child enjoys the life-changing benefits of play and sport. We want to increase levels of physical activity to develop healthier and happier children and young people. Our activity includes engagement with government, politicians, other charities, think tanks and more to develop a policy climate in which more children are empowered to be physically active.

On this page, you will discover how we are working to influence the political agenda and ensure children and young people, and their priorities, are given a voice. You will also find our thoughts on wider activity from across the sector, and our analysis of what it all means.

To learn more about our advocacy work, please contact Steve Clapperton, Head of Policy & Public Affairs, at [email protected].

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23 Apr 2024

Fair Play for Girls

The Youth Sport Trust responds to a report by the All-Party Parliamentary Group on a fit and healthy childhood.

25 Mar 2024

The Big Ambition

The Youth Sport Trust comments on the The Big Ambition, a survey carried out by the Children’s Commissioner between September 2023 and January 2024

07 Mar 2024

Sport, recreation and physical activity sector responds to Spring Budget

A missed opportunity for Government to realise it's own ambitions.

05 Mar 2024

Women and Equalities Committee’s report response

There are many barriers for girls when it comes to taking part in physical activity and sport, but evidence shows that targeted interventions work.

29 Feb 2024

Investing for our children’s future

State of the Estate report shows nearly 60% of schools agree or strongly agree that the current level of investment in PE facilities at their school is insufficient.

28 Feb 2024

It's time to reimagine 'extra' curricular activity.

We need to provide co-curricular activities that develop complementary skills, values and competencies. We need to balance the demands of the digital age through the human connection of play and sport.

15 Feb 2024

Members of Youth Board participate in Children’s Commissioner roundtable

The roundtable on youth sport and physical activity was hosted by the Children’s Commissioner, Dame Rachel de Souza

09 Feb 2024

Students urge Shadow Education Secretary to prioritise physical activity

The Sports Leaders at Kepier School set out to Bridget Phillipson their belief that the time for change is now.

06 Feb 2024

How outdoor learning can support children’s physical and emotional wellbeing

The most recent session of the APPG on Education looked at the benefits of outdoor learning.

26 Jan 2024

Introducing our new manifesto for change

The Youth Sport Trust was delighted to launch our manifesto last week ahead of the forthcoming general election, at an event in Parliament.

25 Jan 2024

Meeting Shadow Minister for Sport Stephanie Peacock

Youth Sport Trust CEO Ali Oliver MBE met with Stephanie Peacock MP, Shadow Sports Minster, alongside other members of the National Sector Partners Group.

09 Dec 2023

Creating opportunities for youth voices to be heard

At the Youth Sport Trust, we believe passionately young people and youth voices must be part of conversations about things that impact them – not just seated at the table but empowered to lead.