Free school breakfasts will be included within the Children’s Wellbeing Bill, set to begin its journey through Parliament this Autumn. In our view, schools should be encouraged to explore different ways to provide school breakfasts through a flexible approach allowing them to be led by pupil’s needs and priorities. Where possible, this should include using school breakfasts, including through breakfast clubs, as an opportunity for children to be physically active before the start of the school day.
Evidence tells us when healthy breakfasts can be provided alongside physical activity it can help regulate emotions, improve concentration, build friendships and enhance learning. Active breakfasts enable children to benefit from both healthy breakfasts and physical activity, supporting children to be ready to learn and helping them achieve the recommended 60 active minutes a day. To help you consider whether this approach could work for your school, we have created some simple guidance, top tips and case studies from schools successfully delivering active breakfast clubs.
Top Tips
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