Welcome to the March Newsletter.
We hope this finds you all well. Great to see many of you at the YST Conference last week. I hope for those of you that attended you found this a valuable few days. We of course always welcome feedback, so please do share your experience or any reflections/recommendations moving forwards.
You’ll find key actions, updates and resources below.
Urgent request for case studies
Last month’s newsletter included a request for leads who would be happy to support the development of a couple of young person case studies. We are looking to showcase girls’ journeys who have previously been engaged in the programme and how their involvement has gone on to support them. We are still looking for young people and leads to support. If you have any pupils that are still involved or connected with that you feel might make excellent case studies, please get in contact with me directly. Ideally the girls would have taken part in the programme 2-3 years ago. Any case studies produced would be made available for you to use for promotional purposes (with permission from the individuals). We will share with you a number of questions to ask the young person and record either on paper or a recording. The case study will then be produced by us, you would just need to share the recording with us.
March Termly Data Collection
A reminder that the next phase of Termly Data collection went live on Monday 07 March. Please don’t feel pressured by what you include in here, if you’re concerned about what has been delivered then just get in touch.
A reminder that those doing the Boys Move, you won’t receive this for LCV unless you’ve also referenced you’re running a girls programme alongside. This is just to capture additional data. Inclusion leads, you will need to contribute data to your Lead Inclusion schools reports. Please liaise with them to confirm the details. If you receive a link and you’re not expecting to, or think you should have one and it hasn’t been received, please drop Martin a note and he will be able to assist you.
Youth Sport Trust Impact Report Released
The latest YST Impact Report is now live and available to read. This is a great read for which all of you have played an important contributing role through the work that you do. Click here to give it a read.
Insight Community – March
A reminder to all that the March Insight Community will be taking place between 22-23 March. This window has been brought forwards to avoid a clash with the FA window. All windows will be open during this period, so please ensure that you go back and complete any that you have not yet done. A reminder will come out on Monday 21 March as always.
April – July LCV Update
As you know, we have been talking a lot about activity across the LCV network until March as we go through our transition phase with Sport England. I will be recording a very short 15-minute briefing to discuss activity between April–July. Please feel reassured, your work will be able to continue this year into the summer term and there will not be significant change at this point. We will share the short briefing on the Teams channel in the coming weeks. You will be able to then use the Teams channel to ask any questions or confirm further details.
Contribute to the development of Sport England’s 2.0 Coaching Plan
Some of you may be aware, Sporting People are currently undertaking work commissioned by Sport England to support the development of the second phase of the Coaching Plan: Coaching plan 2.0. There is still an opportunity to contribute to the development of this and as individuals who all coach, work with coaches, or engage young people as coaches your voices are incredibly valuable. Click here for more information and to take part in the online response survey.
Supporting LGBTQ+ young people in sport
During a recent inclusion lead session, Verity Smith from Mermaids joined the group to lead a 30-minute session on supporting LGBTQ+ young people in sport. You’ll find a recording of this session below which you’re welcome to watch. You’ll also find links to resources that you might find useful below too.
Useful links related to the Mermaids session:
Girls 'hiding their mental health issues' from teachers – TES
Exclusive: The impact of the pandemic on students' mental health has been revealed by a major new study.
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