Girls Active: Getting Started

Girls Active is our commitment to fostering girls' participation in PE, sport and physical activity. The programme aims to tackle the barriers girls experience and through cultivating a movement of girls and young women, empower them to take positive action through influencing, leading, and inspiring their peers.

Our Resources

We are pleased to provide Girls Active as an online modular training for schools. The video modules and accompanying resources on this page cover the content usually provided for schools in a face-to-face or virtual training.

The content is divided into short modules to provide flexibility for practitioners. You can decide when and how much content you (and others in your school) access. The modules include interactive and reflective tasks and there is a linked teacher workbook to support these.

If you have any queries, please get in touch: [email protected].

Thank you for your interest in Girls Active! Please share your progress on social using #GirlsActive

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My teaching has changed; I now take into consideration how the girls might be feeling more. I feel like I am a bit more empathetic and understanding of how those girls are feeling and how to encourage them rather than put them off.


Girls Active

If you would like to find out more about this programme then you can do so here.

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