Abbie Breakwell

Abbie is a member of the Youth Sport Trust Youth Board. Positioned at the heart of our organisation, our Youth Board represents and communicates the views of all young people to inform and enhance our work.

Abbie Breakwell, Youth Board member


Tell us about what do you currently do?
I am currently in my third year of my degree course, studying exercise and sports therapy. At Loughborough University I have also set up wheelchair tennis sessions for students both with and without disabilities. The idea of the session is that everyone can play on an equal playing field, while giving opportunities for people from all backgrounds and abilities to play sport.

Tell us about your sporting background?
I have always loved taking part in sports, however due to disability i often struggled to keep up with my peers when I was younger, but it never stopped me from trying. I have had a strong relationship with sport for as long as I can remember. Even from a young age I took part in many sports, such as hockey, football, trampolining, hurdles and karate, either at school or local clubs.

However when I was 13 my disability deteriorated, causing me to rely on my wheelchair more. This is when my sporting life changed. I started playing disability sports like wheelchair tennis, wheelchair basketball and wheelchair racing. I am now a professional wheelchair tennis player where I have had a career high of 32nd in the world for singles and a career high of 26th in the world for doubles and I am currently the number two ranked women in the country. 

What is your particular area of interest when it comes to accessing sport?
I have a disability and have found the influence of sport on my life has been massive in helping me with both my physical and mental health. Taking part in sport that me and my family could do together as equals has made me feel at home. I think having accessible and adapted sports that people with and without disabilities can take part in together is essential. I also am a huge advocate for encouraging girls and women into sport and exercise. Too many girls stop playing sport in their early teens and this needs to change.

Why did you want to become a member of the Youth Board?
I want to make long lasting changes to enable access to sport for disabled people so thay can feel included and feel like they belong, just like sport makes me feel.

I hope to use my voice to help others.

If you could change one thing about sport or physical activity for young people, what would that be?
If I could change one thing for young people it would to have more opportunities in education to do disability sport and for sport in general.

This will help educate young people on disability awareness while giving  younger people with disabilities a chance to feel like they can fit in with their peers.

Tell us a fun or interesting fact about yourself.    
I have a double set of adult teeth so one one falls out another one replaces it.