Benefits for practitioners
- Increased confidence in planning and delivering high quality, fun and purposeful physical activities
- Increased knowledge of the importance of physical activity, physical literacy and physical development and how this supports development across whole Early Years Foundation Stage
- Increased understanding of the progression of fundamental movement skills
- Resources to support delivery of physical development and learning activities
- Increased knowledge of ways to positively engage parents and carers.
Course delegates may include early years practitioners, teaching assistants, lunchtime supervisors, early years keyworkers, and children and family centre staff.
Benefits for children
- Increased physical activity
- More opportunities to build confidence, creativity and improve social skills
- Increased development of physical skills such as balance and co-ordination for sitting, or spatial awareness for self-care like putting on own clothes/shoes
- Include children’s interests through play-based opportunities, support their developing communication skills, listening and concentration.
In addition to the benefits to practitioners and children, this enhanced programme enables you to:
- Extend your reach, working with more settings and/or more staff
- Strengthen practice with 1:1 Support from a Healthy Movers Development coach
- Connect with others through virtual Networking sessions
- Increase understanding with a whole setting Power Hour training
- Increase positive family engagement with additional backpacks
- Display learning objectives and targets with the Healthy Movers wallchart
- Resource settings with additional toolkits and Healthy Movers equipment pack
- Sustain practice after training with extended certification CPD.
See below for more information about the benefits of our advanced programme.
Building on from our essential offer we can tailor a programme to meet your requirements and have additional components that include:
- Healthy Movers Wall chart: A fun graphic height chart which gives a visual representation of progression of Fundamental Movement Skills, linking to Healthy Movers Toolkit and assessment statements.
- Healthy Movers equipment pack: A branded bag filled with the equipment your setting needs to deliver Healthy Movers in your setting.
- Healthy Movers Development Coach: Virtual networking and 1:1 support sessions to find solutions and celebrate successes.
- Whole setting Power hour: 1-hour staff training about the importance of physical activity, physical literacy and development.
- Healthy Movers extended Certification CPD: 1-hour virtual session to refresh knowledge of Healthy Movers. Extend Healthy Movers certification for an additional academic year.
- Additional Healthy Movers toolkits and home packs.
Register your interest
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By submitting any personal data to us you are agreeing to the use of this information as set out in our Privacy Notice. For clarification, applicants’ personal data will be permanently deleted or anonymised within 3 months of the applications closing if unsuccessful.