Schools Active Movement

Schools Active Movement (SAM) was established in October 2020. SAM will specifically support the schools ‘extended network’ across England with the vision of building a generation of happy, healthy, active young people.

Our Mission

Schools Active Movement will:

  • Connect - Provide effective communication for the extended network to build the movement and develop relationships
  • Advocate - Support members to advocate their work locally and unify to create a collective voice to raise the profile nationally
  • Share - Share good practice to allow the extended network to become even more effective in their work.

Schools Active Movement logo


About Us

Our board consists of representatives volunteering from organisations across the country and has at least one member from each of the regions of England. We also have representation from YST which this movement will be ‘connected’ too. 

Membership is free of charge and open to not-for-profit organisations with schools as part of the governance structure. For members who are SGOs but are not offering an ‘extended offer’ to schools it must be noted that they are involved with SAM on a voluntary basis and not as part of the SGO task list.

Our effectiveness will be dependent on being able to represent and connect with as many people and organisations as possible. Help us achieve our vision of supporting the extended network to ensure children are Happier, Healthier and More Active by encouraging your colleagues you work with in your area to join us by forwarding this letter.

Contact Information

Board Members

SAM board members headshots



  • Numbers of members/schools working with (as of 04 February 2021): 160 members working with 11,000 schools and 2.75 million children


  • Active Lives report from Sport England - View Here
  • The School Active Movement have given our thoughts - View Here
  • Health & Wellbeing myth busting session (14 March 2024) - View Here


Communities Interest Company - intro presentation

  • You can find the slides here.

SAM Webinar 24 April 2024

  • You can find the slides here. You can watch the recording here.

SAM Webinar 11 December 2023

  • You can find the slides here. You can watch the recording here.

SAM Webinar 12 October 2022

  • You can find the slides here. You can watch the recording here.

SAM Webinar 23 May 2022

  • You can find the slides here. You can watch the recording here.

SAM Webinar 25 March 2022

  • You can find the slides here. You can watch the recording here.

SAM Webinar 10 February 2022

SAM Webinar 08 December 2021

  • You can find the slides here. You can watch the recording here.

SAM Webinar 12 October 2021

  • You can find the slides here. You can watch the recording here.

SAM Webinar 01 July 2021

  • You can watch the recording here.

SAM Webinar 17 June 2021

  • You can find the slides here. You can watch the recording here.

SAM Webinar 18 May 2021

SAM Webinar 18 March 2021 - Advocacy: Linking with your MP and FIT 4 HHA paper

Our inaugural webinar on 04 February 2021 - 112 SAM members joined us from across the country. We were delighted to have contributions from Ali Oliver, CEO at Youth Sport Trust, and Telegraph journalist Jeremy Wilson. Click here for the recording. Access the top tips from Jeremy on connecting with the press here.